Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Of T-Rex and Men

This is perhaps the most trouble exhibit for me to understand. According to the Bible, before "The Fall", all animals were vegetarians, since killing is a sin. It is only after Adam ate that stupid apple and got kicked out of Garden of Eden that animals began to eat each other.

Since the T-Rex in the exhibit do not have a human head stuck in its teeth, it's natural to assume that this is before The Fall. However, according to Genesis, before The Fall, Adam and Eve were the only two human living in The Garden. The guy picking carrots definitely do not look like Adam, furthermore, who the hell is that little boy fishing with a stick?

This is the first exhibit you would see after walking into the museum. Two Tyrannosaurus Rex (left) are happily grazing alongside "prehistoric" men. The man on the left is picking carrots while the little boy on the right (by the stream) is fishing with a tree branch. Tom Cruise should learn a trick or two from him next time he gets stranded on an island.

Look at that smirk on his face! Maybe dinosaurs were the first domesticated animal men have conquered. There used to be a dinosaur with a saddle that you could ride on, but some kid broke it so it's in "Dino Hospital" as one assistant explained to me. Too bad. I really wanted my picture with the dino-donkey.

I have to credit the museum for creating the cutest T-Rex I have ever seen! The guy who invented Barney is probably a creationist, perhaps so is Steven Spielberg. However, even he can not create a T-Rex this cute without resorting to CGI (Computer Generated Imagery).

Adam and Eve (left) hanging out with a dinosaur. What this picture failed to show was the tranquility of a man and a woman sitting naked surrounded by trees, chirping birds, and oh, a T-Rex leisurely grazing on the leaves.

Same exhibit as above from a different angle. The nudity is much more apparent and Adam's crouch was covered by tree leaves (apparently there were no underwear in Garden of Eden). I can't help but to wonder whether they put a penis on him for anatomical correctness. After all, the statue of David has one.

1 comment:

  1. jjajaja ignorantes de mierda q no tienen ni puta idea de la historia de la tierra. Esto es totalmente inaceptable y me parece un insulto a la investigacion y todas las exahustivas horas que se dedicaron a demostrar que la historia de nuestro planeta se formo mediante la evolucion en millones de años. ya podéis ir a la puta mierda con todas vuestras teorias religiosas y sin sentido.
