Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Evidence Against Evolution

Is that an Archaeopteryx or a stuffed turkey with teeth and a mean looking beak? Oh wait... it is a perching bird.

Although there are many controversies surrounding Archaeopteryx, most scientists believe it to be a primitive bird which may or may not be related to modern birds. To say Archaeopteryx are chirping birds is like saying dinosaurs are very large ostriches (see NY Times article published in 2007). While there still debates about whether birds evolved from dinosaurs, one thing is clear: much like the execution of Giordana Bruno for heresy (he was burnt at the stakes in 17th century for promoting heliocentric model of the universe), any believes that differs from the words written in Genesis, such as evolution, is not to be tolerated. After all, Bible is the word of God, and to question Genesis is to question God's perfection, which is heresy, another word for false believes.

For more false believes, check out a documentary film by PBS Nova called "The Four Winged Dinosaur". You can watch this episode by downloading it via bit-torrent here